Ditch these 10 habits if you want to improve your life

Posted 13 Nov 2023, by

Dane Cobain

As human beings, we’re all creatures of habit. The problem is that some habits are good and others are… well, not so much. That means that if we want to improve our lives, there are two things for us to think about – we need to ditch the bad ...Read More

10 uncomfortable signs you’re truly evolving as a person

Posted 08 Nov 2023, by

Dane Cobain

Personal growth isn’t always easy, and while most of us would like to become better people, it’s not as though we’re Pikachus that can use thunderstones to evolve ourselves. Unlike Pokémon, we have to put the work in if we want to evolve, and while that in itself is ...Read More

9 body language mistakes that can turn any conversation sour

Posted 31 Oct 2023, by

Dane Cobain

Our body language makes a huge difference to the way that people perceive us. I’ve heard it said that it makes up to 97% of all communication, although I’ll admit that I’ve also seen research that disputes the figure. Either way, it’s pretty clear that our body language is ...Read More

9 habits that reveal a deep sense of self-worth and confidence

Posted 27 Oct 2023, by

Dane Cobain

Self-confidence is one of those interesting personality traits where if you have it, you know it. But of course, people can’t actually read minds, and so if we’re trying to figure out whether someone else has a deep sense of self-worth and confidence, our only option is to look ...Read More