10 phrases happy couples never use in the heat of an argument

Posted 15 Feb 2024, by

Isabel Cabrera

Let me guess. There’s trouble in paradise. You and your significant other keep butting heads, running into misunderstandings and disagreements, and struggling to sort out your differences. Don’t worry. At some point, all couples go through the very same process. The honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever, after all, and once you’ve ...Read More

7 signs someone is deeply unhappy in life, according to psychology

Posted 07 Feb 2024, by

Isabel Cabrera

We all have bad days. We all go through a rough patch from time to time. We all feel occasionally lost or tired or unmotivated. But deep unhappiness – the kind that weighs heavily on you day in and day out, and no matter what you do, you just can’t seem ...Read More

7 signs a woman is secretly lonely, according to psychology

Posted 07 Feb 2024, by

Isabel Cabrera

Loneliness. It permeates our daily lives as we go on about our business, separated from each other – individuals without community, people without a sense of belonging. Loneliness is somewhat of a modern pandemic, and yet the word carries such negative connotations that we often try to hide it. We strive ...Read More