7 nighttime routines for a better sleep and happier morning

Posted 02 Nov 2023, by

Liv Walde

Ever since I can remember, I've been a night owl.  Partially also owing to my chronic insomnia, I’ll admit. But I’m a self-confessed creature of the night who thrives in the quiet solitude that dusk brings. Yet, as an adult who's struggled with the repercussions of a less-than-ideal sleep schedule, I've ...Read More

10 traits of people who struggle to handle even the slightest criticism

Posted 30 Oct 2023, by

Liv Walde

Ever found yourself in a situation where someone takes a teensy tiny, minor criticism (which wasn't even meant personally) waaaay too seriously? I mean, it was just a joke, right? Well, you've probably just encountered someone who struggles to handle even the slightest criticism. (I definitely include myself in this bracket ...Read More

4 zodiac signs who are happy being single until they meet their equal

Posted 27 Oct 2023, by

Liv Walde

The beauty of being single is often underrated, as cliche as that may sound. For some, it's a chance to discover their own strengths, indulge in a lil' self-love, and live life on their terms. Forget the rules you lived under with your parents, the early bedtimes and no ice ...Read More

12 things you’re doing in public that people secretly find annoying

Posted 26 Oct 2023, by

Liv Walde

We all have a host of bad habits, but sometimes those habits are far more annoying to the outside world than we perhaps realize. Now, you might go about your daily routine; mincing about and interacting with other people out there, completely oblivious to the small things you do ...Read More