12 habits of people who always find the silver lining, even in bad situations
We’ve all been there. That moment when absolutely everything seems to be going wrong.
Your coffee spills, you’re stuck in traffic, your boss gives you extra work, or another global pandemic hits (fingers crossed against this one) – it feels like the world is against you.
But you know what?
There are people out there who just seem to be immune to these bad days.
They always find a silver lining, even in the worst of situations.
And whilst you might sometimes eye them up with a raised brow, admit it. You’re curious about how they manage to see the good in even the more dire of situations.
They don’t do it using magic or luck, either.
It’s down to their habits.
So today, we’re diving into 12 habits of these eternally optimistic folks.
Not because you need to shun reality and start force-feeding happiness down your throat.
I’m not here to tell you to pretend that everything is okay when it’s not.
It’s absolutely okay to have bad days, and it’s healthy to feel your emotions and allow yourself to rest and recuperate to better deal with these gloomier occasions.
But adopting these 12 habits could help you see things from a different perspective.
So, are you ready to discover these habits and maybe even adopt a few for yourself?
1) They embrace change
I used to dread change.
I loved my comfort zone (and yes, I do still to an extent…)
Yet, each time change came knocking at my door, I’d feel an unsettling fear.
I’d put on my noise-canceling headphones and pretend I couldn’t hear it.
But as I grew older and began to push myself further beyond the spaces I considered safe, the more I realized how much I was able to grow and flourish.
The thing is that change is inevitable; it’s a part of life.
The more we resist it, the harder it gets.
So, instead of resisting change, I started embracing it.
Yes, it was uncomfortable at first, but eventually, I started seeing the beauty in it.
Change pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me discover facets of myself I had never known.
2) They practice gratitude daily
The second habit shared by silver-lining seekers is practicing gratitude.
They are always thankful for what they have, in spite of their situation.
This can include gratitude journals, or positive self-talk (either in your head or staring at your reflection in the mirror. Whichever tickles your fancy.)
The simple practice of gratitude shifts your focus from your anxieties and worries to the many wondrous things that your life is blessed with.
And that’s not to prevent you from grieving or mourning loss, or trying to repress anxiety.
However, trying to remember the good bits of life can really help pull you out of the darker days, and can significantly shift your perspective to find that silver lining.
3) They can use humor (appropriately) to lighten the mood
In the midst of a crisis, people who find the silver lining always manage to find something to smile or laugh about.
Not in a demeaning way, that is.
Don’t start giggling if someone’s parent has just died.
But (appropriate) laughter, after all, isn’t just the best medicine; it’s also a powerful coping mechanism.
So next time you’re met with stony silence or an awkward pause, try finding humor in your situation.
Crack a joke, watch a funny video or simply laugh at the absurdity of life.
Life is, after all, pretty damn absurd.
It might just help lighten your mood and the mood of everyone around you (if you’re funny enough), and allow you to see things from a more positive perspective.
4) They practice kindness
Those who consistently find the silver lining have a knack for practicing kindness, even when things are tough.
It’s like they have this understanding that by uplifting others, they uplift themselves too – which might sound selfish but is more like a positive exchange of energy.
Amongst the most memorable days I can think of are those where someone has gone out of their way to do something unexpected and kind for me.
Whether it’s a stranger presenting me with a random bouquet of flowers, someone helping me carry a heavy suitcase up a flight of stairs, or a fellow student spending an evening helping me understand a lecture that went completely over my head.
These are the acts of kindness that I will forever remember.
So maybe next time when things go south, try and perform a random act of kindness yourself.
It could be as simple as helping someone carry their groceries or giving up your seat on the bus.
You might be surprised by the joy it brings you (and the other person!)
5) They take breaks
I, like many others, used to believe that taking breaks was a waste of time and was purely slovenly.
I believed that the more I worked, the more I’d accomplish.
But boy, was I wrong.
During a particularly stressful week finishing my Masters, I found myself working non-stop to meet deadlines. Sleep-deprived and mentally exhausted, I reached a point where I could hardly focus.
My eyes were twitching, I felt sick to my stomach despite having consumed nothing but muesli bars and energy drinks for 3 days, and I could hardly string a simple sentence together.
Out of desperation, I decided to take a break.
One day, which to me, was going against all of my work ethic and morals.
And you know what?
It worked like magic.
That one day off refreshed me and allowed me to kickstart my thought process.
My workload was accomplished at a far faster rate once I’d allowed myself a whole night’s sleep, and I returned to my work with renewed energy and clarity.
Turns out, those who always find the silver lining know the power of taking breaks.
They understand that their minds need rest to function optimally and that a few moments of calm can recharge them better than hours of continuous work.
So don’t hesitate to take a break when things get overwhelming.
Whether it’s a walk in the park, a quick meditation session, or simply sitting quietly with a cup of tea, give your mind the break it needs.
6) They maintain a healthy lifestyle
People who consistently find that silver lining in all gloomy situations tend to lead a fairly healthy lifestyle.
They understand the importance of a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep in maintaining not just physical health but mental and emotional well-being too.
Because how can you go silver-lining hunting if you don’t have the energy for it?
A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and a healthy mind is more capable of finding positivity even in adverse situations.
7) They surround themselves with positive people
Ever heard of the saying, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”?
Well, people who always find the silver lining live by this motto.
They surround themselves with positive, uplifting individuals who inspire them and help them maintain an optimistic outlook on life.
If anything, they can then come together and go off on the search for silver linings in a group as strength does come in numbers.
8) They cultivate mindfulness
Practicing mindfulness is another common trait among these individuals.
By living in the present moment, they avoid dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about future uncertainties.
They’re less likely to dwell on things beyond their control, which frees up more time to focus on all the good life has to offer.
9) They pursue their passions
Life is not all about work and responsibilities.
It can’t be all work, no play.
That would get desperately boring very fast, and mean that all linings seemed perpetually grey.
Those who have the ability to find the silver lining understand the need for enjoyment and fun, and make time for activities that they are passionate about.
Whether it’s painting, playing a musical instrument, gardening, or hiking, pursuing their passions brings them joy and helps them stay positive.
10) They practice and prioritize self-care
Self-care is not just about indulgent spa days or gorging yourself on treats.
It’s about taking care of your wellbeing on all levels; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
The silver-lining seekers know this, and hence they ensure that they allocate time each day to care for themselves.
People have individual self-care practices, so this can look like gaming, reading, going for a run – you name it.
If you let go of tending to your own mind through self-care practices, you quickly lose the ability to find the positive aspect or the silver-lining in all other areas.
11) They set realistic expectations
Set yourself too high of expectations and you’re pretty much just setting yourself up for failure, which can often lead to disappointment.
That’s why people who always find the silver lining set realistic expectations for themselves and others.
This doesn’t mean they don’t aspire or aim high. In fact, they tend if anything to aim higher than the average person and believe all sorts of things possible.
But, they maintain a realistic outlook and understand that everything doesn’t always go according to plan, so there’s no point in beating yourself up about things that don’t work out.
12) They celebrate even small wins
Lastly, these individuals celebrate the littlest of accomplishments and successes.
No achievement is too small for them to start doing a lil’ celebratory dance.
They believe in acknowledging and appreciating every step forward, no matter how small.
This joviality in celebrating all wins helps them stay motivated and positive.
It’s also a mindset that they can return to when facing challenges, to remember the good aspects of life that often outweigh the bad.
Ready to find your own silver lining?
So there you have it, 12 habits of people who always find the silver lining, even in bad situations.
If you find yourself struggling to stay positive, try incorporating some of these habits into your life.
You might just find that silver lining you’ve been searching for.