If a man uses these 9 phrases, he’s not being completely honest with you
There’s a fine line between a white lie and a red flag. It all boils down to honesty.
When a man isn’t being entirely truthful, he often uses certain phrases to hide his real intentions.
These phrases may seem innocent on the surface, but they might just be his way of sugarcoating the truth.
In this article, we’ll uncover the 9 phrases men use when they’re not being completely honest. By understanding these sayings, you’ll be able to spot when someone might be trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
Without much further ado, let’s dive in.
1) “I don’t know”
Now, there’s a common phrase used by men who might be avoiding the truth: “I don’t know.”
Well, do they really?
Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple.
“I don’t know” can often serve as a convenient escape hatch when a man doesn’t want to reveal his true feelings or intentions.
It’s a way for him to avoid answering a difficult question, or to evade responsibility for his actions. It’s a phrase used to maintain ambiguity and keep you guessing.
Of course, this doesn’t mean every time a man says he doesn’t know, he’s being dishonest. But if it becomes a recurring theme in your conversations, it might be a sign that he’s not being completely upfront with you.
2) “It’s not a big deal”
“It’s not a big deal” is a phrase we’ve all heard before. And in some situations, it isn’t. But in others, it’s a clever way of downplaying something that might be more significant.
Take it from me. I once dated a guy who frequently brushed off his late arrivals with that phrase. At first, I let it slide. After all, everyone can be late from time to time.
However, as his tardiness became a regular occurrence and he continued to use that phrase, I realized he wasn’t being entirely honest with me. He was using “It’s not a big deal” as an excuse to avoid addressing the real issue: his lack of respect for my time.
In this context, “It’s not a big deal” became his go-to phrase for dismissing both his actions and my feelings about them.
3) “You’re overthinking it”
This phrase could be a genuine attempt to reassure you when you’re stressing over something. However, it can also be a crafty way to deflect attention away from a legitimate concern.
This phrase works by subtly undermining your thoughts and feelings, making you question your judgment. In doing so, it shifts the focus away from the potential issue and onto you.
Psychological research shows that gaslighting – a form of psychological manipulation where a person makes another doubt their perceptions – often begins with such dismissive phrases. Over time, the constant dismissal of your concerns can lead to confusion and self-doubt.
So, if “You’re overthinking it” is used often to dismiss your worries or concerns, it could be an indication that he’s not being fully honest with you.
4) “Trust me”
Ask yourself: Can you trust a person who tosses “trust me” into every sentence?
“Trust me” – a phrase that’s supposed to instill confidence and reassurance. However, when it’s overused or thrown around without merit, it doesn’t sound so trustworthy.
This phrase is often used as a quick fix to gain your faith without providing any concrete reassurance or proof. It’s a way of saying, “Don’t question me, just believe what I’m saying.”
In a healthy relationship, trust is built over time through actions and consistency, not just words. If a man frequently resorts to “Trust me” without showing any evidence or taking any actions to earn that trust, it could be a sign that he’s not being entirely truthful.
5) “Nothing’s wrong”
While it’s true that sometimes nothing really is wrong, other times, this phrase can be a mask for deeper issues.
If a man says “Nothing’s wrong” but his actions suggest otherwise – he’s distant, moody, or unusually quiet – it could be a sign he’s not being completely honest.
This phrase is often used as a quick way to avoid talking about feelings or problems. It can be an easy escape from confrontation or difficult conversations.
If “Nothing’s wrong” is used frequently and doesn’t match up with actions or behaviors, it might be time to dig a little deeper. It could signal a lack of honesty or an unwillingness to communicate openly.
6) “I’ll change”
“I’ll change” is a heartful phrase, isn’t it? But how many people who said “I’ll change” could really change?
It’s a promise to do better, to become a better version of themselves for you. But sometimes, these words are said with less than honest intentions.
Promising to change is easy. But change doesn’t happen overnight. If a man frequently uses the phrase “I’ll change” but you see no difference in his actions or behavior over time, it’s possible he’s not being completely truthful.
7) “I was just joking”
While humor is often a positive and genuine expression, it can sometimes be used as a tool for dishonesty. Let me explain.
I remember a time when I was constantly at the receiving end of sarcastic comments and subtle digs. Whenever I confronted him about it, he would quickly dismiss it with “I was just joking”. It took me a while to realize that this was his way of avoiding responsibility for his words.
If a man habitually makes hurtful comments or engages in behavior that upsets you, then dismisses it with “I was just joking”, it could be a sign he’s not being honest about his intentions.
Humor should never be used as an excuse to punch down on someone. If it does, it’s important to address the issue rather than brush it off as a joke.
8) “Let’s talk about this later”
“Let’s talk about this later” – a phrase that can be a double-edged sword.
On one hand, it can be a legitimate request for more time to think before discussing a complex issue. On the other hand, it can be a sneaky way to avoid an uncomfortable conversation.
Avoidance often just delays the inevitable. If certain issues are always being pushed to the future and never actually addressed, it might be time to question his sincerity.
9) “Believe what you want”
The phrase “Believe what you want” can be the most telling of all when it comes to honesty.
It’s often a defensive response, a last resort when cornered, and can indicate an unwillingness to communicate openly or honestly.
If a man resorts to “Believe what you want” during disagreements, you might want to start believing that he’s hiding something. Instead of addressing the issue, he leaves it open-ended, essentially shutting down the conversation.
In any relationship, clarity and open discussion are crucial. Don’t settle for anything less.
Final thoughts: It’s about trust and communication
As we’ve explored in this article, certain phrases when used frequently and without justification can hint at a lack of honesty. But remember, context is key. Not every “I don’t know” or “It’s not a big deal” is a red flag.
However, if these phrases become recurring themes in your conversations, if they serve as barriers to open dialogue more often than not, they could signify deeper issues.
In the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, “I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” Honesty is a currency that once spent recklessly, is hard to regain. Therefore, keep an ear out for these phrases and trust your instincts.
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