If you regularly do these 9 things, you’re a natural risk-taker
As children, we’re conditioned not to pursue danger. After all, we’re not all Tom Cruise.
But, as adults, taking risks is expected — even encouraged. High risk, high reward. But how do we know when we’re risk-takers?
This article will delve into some of the tell-tale signs of risk-lovers! Let’s dive in.
1) Seeking new experiences
Risk is entirely about the unknown. And nothing says ‘unknown’ than doing something brand new.
We all go to new places or try unfamiliar food at some point in life. But true risk-takers are the ones who do this out of compulsion. You literally HAVE to try new things. ‘No’ is not a word you’re fond of.
Life in the comfort zone can be nice and pleasant, but why wouldn’t you want to get out and see those parts you’ve never seen before?
Sure, you might fall on your face here and there, but… that’s part of the fun, right?
2) Embracing failure
Fear of failure is one of the most common phobias, but it doesn’t have to be. Failure is simply part of life, something we all go through. You can fail so often that it just… stops bothering you!
If you’re a natural risk-taker, failure is part of the journey. It’s not something that bothers you. If you make a mistake, you brush it off and continue. Easy!
I’ve learned that failure is a psychological wound, not a real one. It passes, and very few people remember it unless you keep it alive. But to fail, you have to, you know, do something!
3) Making decisions
Throughout my life, I’ve had decision paralysis. Faced with two choices, I’ve struggled to make a decision. I was terrified of what could happen if either went wrong. Sound familiar?
The truth is that it doesn’t matter. Every decision carries risk, as nothing is certain until it happens. Hence, the true risk-takers trust their gut because they know… it doesn’t really matter.
In fact, the idea is often not anywhere near as important as the execution. So making these decisions should be the easy part, right?
4) Challenging the status quo
This is an easy way to tell if you’re a risk-taker: do you follow the rules? If yes, then… probably not. If you’re more of a free spirit? Hey, you might change the world.
Finding someone who made history by following the rules is almost impossible. From Walt Disney to Steve Jobs to the Suffragettes, history is full of people who pushed back against the status quo. It’s the same today!
You cannot be a risk-taker without, you know, not following the crowd. Following trends and fashions is cool for social media, but good luck getting a movie about you!
5) Being ambitious
And, yes, some people do want movies made about them. That’s their ambition, and good for them! Despite what you were told as a child, ambition is not a dirty word.
Ambition is merely aiming for something much bigger than anybody else. If you’re a risk-taker, you’ll never be satisfied with being good. You want to be the best. You set the bar high, and your work ethic follows.
All risk-takers are inherently ambitious. If you weren’t, why bother risking anything? In essence, taking risks is gambling — you take the long odds in hopes of huge rewards. It’s just that you have… a lot of confidence.
6) Embracing confidence
You can’t be a risk-taker if you have self-doubt. It’s just not possible. Whatever the risk you’re taking — investing, changing your career path, reinventing a business model — you have to believe in it.
This is where risk-takers succeed. They bet on themselves. It’s a lesson I had to learn over twenty-something years. If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will believe in you.
And when you finally take that leap, you discover a side of yourself you never encountered. That bold, badass ‘I can do this’ mentality you carry through your life? Hey, welcome to a world of confidence, my risk-loving friend.
7) Being adaptable
Obviously, not everything goes to plan. In fact, nothing ever goes to plan. But that’s where your adaptability comes into play. Risk-takers are VERY adaptable. They kind of have to be.
Life brings no guarantees. You can plan all you want, but life finds a way to disrupt everything. If you’ve already taken a risk, you know this. So what do you do? You adapt, change course.
Every problem is solveable. In fact, this is why so many risk-takers end up in leadership positions — problem-solving comes naturally to them.
8) Seeking leadership roles
There’s no greater risk than leadership roles. Here, you’re responsible for your work and the work of dozens — maybe hundreds or thousands — of others.
Whether you’re a regional manager, a CEO, or the President, so many people count on you that… it’s the ultimate risk. Your reputation is on the line. But you love it.
It’s a high-wire act unlike any other. But natural risk-takers are born for this kind of work. Especially if they have the charisma to influence others.
9) Encouraging others to take risks
Influence is a double-edged sword, but the best leaders know when to encourage their team to take those risks.
Throughout history, the greatest geniuses have mentored the next generation of geniuses. They took risks and encouraged their mentees to do the same thing. It’s the mark of great leadership.
If you can encourage someone to branch out of the expected and do something that births a new legacy, it may be risky. But it might also be one of your greatest leadership accomplishments.
Final thoughts
Taking risks isn’t all about jumping out of planes and consuming raw meat. Sometimes, it’s just doing something out of the ordinary and being confident it’ll work out.
In fact, the secret to life, according to risk-takers, is to believe in yourself. Once you master that… no risk is too great!