If you recognize these 10 signs, you’ve finally found your purpose in life

by Jeanette Brown | June 7, 2024, 2:23 pm

Ever found yourself in one of those moments where everything just seems to fall into place and you feel like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be?

That might just be your life’s purpose calling out to you.

Now, I know it might sound a bit far-fetched or even mystical to some, but realizing your purpose in life isn’t always a grand revelation. It often comes as subtle signs that whisper to us.

Here’s a bit of a guide for you. We’re going to delve into the top 10 signals that suggest you might have stumbled upon your raison d’être. It’s time to decode these signs and make sense of that inner voice nudging you towards your destiny.

Remember, these signs may not be glaringly obvious or earth-shattering, but they could well be the gentle nudges steering you towards your true path in life.

1. You Feel a Deep Sense of Fulfillment

Have you ever been so engrossed in a task that you lose track of time? And when you finally look up, you realize hours have passed, but it felt like mere minutes?

That is not just an indication of being in the ‘flow’. It’s often a sign that you’re doing something that aligns deeply with your purpose.

When you engage in activities that resonate with your core self or your passions, you’ll experience a profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. It’s like every fiber of your being is humming in harmony.

This doesn’t mean that every moment is a joy ride. There will be challenges and obstacles, but even amidst those, if there’s an underlying sense of contentment and fulfillment, then you’re likely on the right path.

So, take note of those moments when you feel deeply fulfilled. You might just be touching upon your life’s purpose.

Remember, this feeling isn’t about fleeting happiness or short-lived success. It’s about a deep-seated satisfaction that comes from doing something that feels inherently meaningful to you.

2. Your Work Doesn’t Feel Like Work

Let me share a personal story here. I worked for a long time in large organisations, mostly liking my job but I decided to make a lifestyle change. It wasn’t that I hated my job, it was just that I wanted to try something new.

Then, one day, I stumbled upon writing. I started writing down my thoughts, my dreams, my experiences, and before I knew it, I was spending hours each day immersed in writing. The best part? It didn’t feel like work at all.

I began waking up each morning excited to start my day, eager to put pen to paper. Even on days when it was challenging, and trust me there were many, it still felt rewarding because I loved what I was doing.

That’s when it hit me – I had found a new purpose. Writing wasn’t just a hobby or a pastime; it was a passion that energized and fulfilled me.

So, if you find yourself engaged in something that doesn’t feel like work, something that excites you and fills you with energy, then you might well be on the path of finding your life’s purpose.

Remember, when you love what you do and do what you love – work becomes play.

3. You’re Excited About the Journey, Not Just the Destination

Often, when we’re on the right path, it’s not just the final goal that excites us, but the journey to get there too.

I mean, think about it. When you’re living your purpose, every step – even the smallest ones – feels significant and rewarding. You’re not just fixated on the end game, but you value the progress and growth that comes with each step you take towards your goal.

It’s like going on a road trip. Reaching your destination is thrilling, but isn’t it also about enjoying the scenery along the way, the pit stops, the unexpected detours?

If you find yourself cherishing the journey as much as (or maybe even more than) the destination, it’s a good sign you’ve found your purpose in life.

After all, a purpose-driven life is not just about a grand finale. It’s about finding joy and significance in every step of your journey.

4. You’re Eager to Learn and Improve

When you’ve found your purpose, you often find yourself driven by an irresistible urge to learn more and get better. You’re fascinated by the subject and constantly seek out new knowledge and skills to improve.

This is where the concept of ‘deliberate practice’ comes into play. Introduced by psychologist K. Anders Ericsson, it’s a focused form of practice with the aim of improving performance.

Deliberate practice involves stepping out of your comfort zone, setting specific goals, getting immediate feedback, and continually pushing your skill set.

So, if you find yourself willingly spending hours honing your skills, eagerly seeking feedback, and consistently pushing your boundaries, it’s likely that you’re engaged in something that aligns with your life’s purpose.

When you’re passionate about something, learning doesn’t feel like a chore – it becomes an exciting part of the journey.

5. It Gives You a Sense of Meaning

One of the most telling signs that you’ve found your purpose in life is when what you’re doing gives you a deep sense of meaning.

It’s not about fame, money, or recognition – though those might come along. It’s about feeling that your work, your actions, your contribution makes a difference.

Maybe it’s teaching a child to read, helping a community plant a garden, or creating art that touches people’s hearts. Whatever it is, if it brings you a sense of purpose and makes you feel like you’re part of something bigger than yourself, then you’re likely on the right track.

Purpose is personal. It’s not about grand gestures or monumental achievements. It’s about finding that special something that resonates deeply with you and gives your life a sense of meaning and fulfillment.

6. You’re Willing to Make Sacrifices

When you’ve truly found your purpose in life, it becomes a priority. And with any priority, there’s usually a willingness to make sacrifices.

Maybe you find yourself waking up earlier to practice yoga, staying up late to finish a painting, or even turning down a higher-paying job because it doesn’t align with your purpose.

The key here is that these sacrifices don’t feel like burdens. Instead, they feel like necessary steps towards living a life that’s true to who you are and what you believe in.

So, if you notice that you’re willing to let go of certain comforts or conveniences for the sake of pursuing something that feels deeply important to you, then it’s a good sign that you’re living in alignment with your life’s purpose.

Remember, purpose often demands commitment and sometimes, that commitment involves making choices that prioritize your purpose over immediate gratification.

7. Others Notice Your Passion

When you’re living your purpose, it’s not just you who notices – others around you do too. Your energy, enthusiasm, and dedication tend to shine through and people can’t help but take notice.

Maybe they comment on the joy in your voice when you talk about your work, or the spark in your eyes when you’re engaged in your passion. Or perhaps they admire your perseverance and the dedication you show, even when the going gets tough.

This recognition from others isn’t about seeking validation or approval. It’s more of a reflection that your passion and purpose are palpable and visible to those around you.

So, if people around you often remark on your passion and dedication towards something, it’s a good indication that you’ve found your life’s purpose. Remember, when you’re aligned with your purpose, it radiates from within and people can sense it.

8. You Feel a Sense of Resilience

Life is not always smooth sailing and it’s no different when you’re pursuing your purpose. There will be obstacles, roadblocks, and moments of self-doubt. But one key sign that you’ve found your purpose is the resilience you exhibit in the face of these challenges.

Psychologist Angela Duckworth, in her research, coined the term ‘grit’ to describe the combination of passion and perseverance for long-term goals. According to Duckworth, grit is a better predictor of success than IQ or talent.

So, if you find yourself persisting in spite of hardships, bouncing back from failures, and keeping your eyes on the prize even when things get tough, it’s likely that you’ve tapped into your life’s purpose.

This resilience or ‘grit’ stems from the deep-seated belief that what you’re doing is meaningful – and that conviction gives you the strength to weather the storms.

9. You’ve Overcome Fear and Doubt

I remember staring at the blank screen, my heart pounding, my mind filled with doubt. Could I really make a living as a writer? What if I failed? What if people didn’t like what I had to say?

But despite the fear and doubt, something within me urged me to press on. So, I did. Before I knew it, I had written my first article.

That was a turning point for me. The moment I chose to listen to my inner voice over my fears and doubts was the moment I stepped onto the path of my life’s purpose.

We all have fears and doubts. But when you’ve found your purpose, you find the courage to overcome them – not because they cease to exist, but because your purpose becomes larger than your fears.

10. It Just Feels Right

At the end of the day, finding your purpose in life often comes down to a simple gut feeling. It’s an intuitive knowing, a deep-seated sense that you’re on the right path.

This isn’t about logic, reason, or external validation. It’s about listening to your inner voice, trusting your instincts, and following what feels true to you.

When you’ve found your purpose, it just feels right. It resonates with your heart, aligns with your values, and brings you peace.

This sense of ‘rightness’ is unique to each person and can’t be defined by anyone else’s standards or expectations.

So, trust yourself. Trust your journey. And most importantly, trust that feeling when something just feels right.

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