If you truly want to turn your life around, say goodbye to these 9 behaviors

by Isabel Cabrera | August 31, 2024, 7:39 am

If you’re looking to improve your life, it’s not just about adding good habits but also about eliminating the ones that are dragging you down. 

So, in this guide, we’ll explore a list of behaviors that you might consider saying farewell to. 

By letting go of these things, you open up room for more positive experiences and opportunities – it’s a critical part of turning your life around for the better. 

Are you ready to make some changes? Let’s get started.

1) Procrastination

Here’s the thing about procrastination: It’s a comfort zone. 

It’s that cozy, tempting space where you choose immediate pleasure—like watching Netflix or scrolling through social media—over something that’s genuinely important but might be a bit hard or boring. 

Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Procrastination doesn’t just delay the task at hand. It steals your peace of mind. 

You know you should be doing something productive, and yet you’re not. This creates a cycle of guilt, stress, and anxiety, making you even less likely to tackle the task.

So how do you break this cycle? 

Start small. 

Chunk the task into bite-sized pieces and tackle one piece at a time. Stop waiting for motivation to magically appear. Trust me, motivation follows action, not the other way around.

2) Negativity

Negativity can turn minor setbacks into catastrophes and challenges into impossibilities. 

You’re essentially setting yourself up for failure before you even start. And guess what? That’s not just draining for you but also for people around you.

The key to changing this behavior is awareness. 

Once you catch yourself spiraling into a negative thought pattern, stop. Pause. Take a deep breath. 

Challenge that negative thought. Ask yourself, “Is this really true?” More often than not, you’ll realize it’s an exaggeration.

Now, replace that negative thought with a positive or, at the very least, a neutral one. 

For example, instead of thinking “I’ll never get this job,” try thinking, “I’m going to do my best in the interview and see what happens.”

3) Comparing yourself to others

Ah, the comparison game. You look at someone else’s life—whether it’s their job, relationship, or even their Instagram feed—and think, “Why can’t I have that?” 

Here’s the thing: When you compare yourself to others, you’re not seeing the full picture. 

You’re seeing a curated version of their life, not the struggles, the failures, or the hard work it took to get there. 

And you’re diminishing your own worth and accomplishments in the process.

The first step in quitting this habit is to focus on your own path

Sure, it’s easier said than done, but you’ve got to start somewhere. 

Begin by identifying your own goals, your own values, and what really matters to you. 

When you know what you’re aiming for, it’s easier to stay focused and not get sidetracked by someone else’s journey.

4) Fear of failure

So, you’re scared to fail. Who isn’t? This fear keeps you stuck. You don’t try new things because you’re worried you’ll mess up.

Once upon a time, I was terrified to start writing because I thought I wasn’t good enough. 

I feared people would laugh at me or criticize my work. But I pushed through. I wrote anyway. 

My first pieces weren’t perfect, and yes, some people did criticize them. But you know what else happened? I got better. And the more I wrote, the less scary it became. 

Today, writing is one of the most fulfilling parts of my life.

The point is, failure isn’t your enemy; it’s your teacher. 

Each time you fail, you learn something valuable. You figure out what doesn’t work, which gets you one step closer to finding what does.

Start small if you need to. Take a tiny risk. And if it doesn’t work out? Learn from it and move on. You’ll be surprised how little it stings and how much it teaches you.

5) Blaming others

It’s easy to point fingers when things go wrong…Your project flops, and you blame your team. 

You’re unhappy, and you blame your circumstances or the people around you. 

The problem with this is that you give away your power to make things better.

Take it from someone who used to blame traffic for being late to meetings. I realized it wasn’t the traffic’s fault; it was mine for not leaving earlier. 

Once I accepted that, guess what happened? I started being on time. It was a simple change but a powerful one. 

Next time something goes wrong, instead of looking outward, look inward. Ask yourself, “What could I have done differently?” This isn’t about beating yourself up; it’s about learning and growing.

So, let’s say goodbye to blaming others. Once you take responsibility for your actions and their outcomes, you’ll find that you have a lot more power to shape your life in the way you want.

6) Seeking validation from others

So many people fall into the trap of needing approval from everyone around them. 

Whether it’s constant social media updates for likes or changing personal preferences to fit into a group, the need for external validation can become a never-ending cycle. 

But here’s the catch: This behavior often leads to a hollow feeling, even after receiving the sought-after validation.

Why? Because external validation is fleeting

One moment you feel on top of the world because of the praise you receive, and the next, you’re back to craving more. 

Instead, try this: Focus on self-validation. 

Celebrate your own achievements, no matter how small. Relish in the tasks you’ve completed or the kindness you’ve shown to others. 

The more you learn to appreciate yourself, the less you’ll need others to do it for you.

7) Perfectionism

Perfectionism—the dream killer. 

You have this vision in your head. Everything has to be just so. Perfect. 

But waiting for the perfect moment or trying to create the perfect project can freeze you in your tracks. 

Before you know it, you’re stuck in a loop of planning, revising, and second-guessing. 

Inevitably, nothing gets done.

But here’s the truth: Perfection is a myth. You’re chasing a ghost. Even the things we admire for being “perfect” have flaws we don’t see or choose to ignore.

Here’s a simple way to break free: 

Aim for ‘good enough.’ Complete the task at hand to the best of your ability and move on. This doesn’t mean doing a sloppy job; it means doing a good job and then letting go.

Taking this approach has helped me – I find I’m much more content with just getting a job done well rather than doing it perfectly. 

8) Ignoring physical health

Now, let’s talk about something we often take for granted: our physical health. 

You might be thinking that skipping a workout here or eating fast food there is no big deal. 

But these choices add up, and before you know it, you’re feeling sluggish, stressed, and out of shape.

Never forget – your body is your vehicle for life. If it’s not in good condition, everything else suffers. 

Your mood, your energy, even your self-esteem—they’re all linked to your physical well-being.

My advice is to start simple. You don’t have to become a gym rat overnight. 

Maybe it’s a 10-minute walk each day, or choosing a salad over fries. 

Small choices lead to big changes over time. Make a habit of it. The consistency is more important than the intensity.

9) Avoiding difficult conversations

You know those tough talks you’re dodging? The ones that make you nervous just thinking about them? 

Well, avoiding them won’t make your problems go away. In fact, they’ll likely get worse.

Think about it like this: 

If you’ve got a splinter in your finger, ignoring it won’t make it better. It’ll just get infected. The same goes for problems in life. They grow when you don’t face them.

You know what I’m going to say…Have the conversation. Don’t think of it as a fight; think of it as a chat. Be honest, and listen, too. 

You’d be surprised how many issues can get sorted just by talking them out.

It might be uncomfortable at first. But once it’s over, you’ll feel a whole lot better. Like a weight’s been lifted off your shoulders.

Turning your life around isn’t about grand gestures or overnight transformations. 

It’s about letting go of habits and behaviors that hold you back and replacing them with ones that move you forward. 

Whether it’s quitting the comparison game, facing your fear of failure, taking responsibility, or having tough conversations, each step you take brings you closer to the life you want to live. 

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