10 morning habits that separate successful people from unsuccessful ones
In a world where some people succeed and others don’t, what sets these two groups apart?
In a nutshell, it’s the habits they keep.
Success isn’t a miracle; it doesn’t happen magically or by chance.
It’s a result of habits and actions that you do every day that lead you to change the way you live.
For the better, of course.
There is some good news: these habits aren’t too difficult to keep, and you don’t have to sacrifice too much time in your day to maintain them.
If you want to grow as a person, you can start with these 10 morning habits that separate successful people from unsuccessful ones.
Let’s read about what successful people do in the mornings that helps them achieve their goals.
1) They practice gratitude
If you’re looking for success, it’s easy to get caught up in the negatives: the things you still haven’t achieved, the objects you don’t have, etc.
Our brains are wired to find the negativity and protect us from it, but it can become a burden.
Successful people try to look for the positive aspects of everything they go through. It’s not about ambition; it’s about realizing how far you’ve come.
If you start each day with a sense of gratefulness for everything you have, you are rewiring your brain.
You can see new opportunities more clearly and tackle new challenges.
This is what you could do:
- Take a few minutes in the morning to reflect on the things that are going well in your life;
- Focus on being grateful for them, appreciating everything good you have;
- Notice the good things in your environment, like the sun shining through the window or a good cup of coffee.
This acknowledgment of routine things can lead you to understand how much you actually have and how much there is to be grateful for.
It will set up a positive mood for your day and program your brain for success.
2) They take time to read
Yes, reading is difficult when we have so many things to do.
However, a lot of wealthy people devote at least half an hour a day to reading.
Reading makes successful people smarter, increasing their brain power in unexpected ways.
For example, research has proven that reading every day increases memory function, keeping your brain sharp over the years.
Another advantage of reading is that it allows us to learn from other people’s experiences, which in turn can save us years of struggle.
3) They don’t skip breakfast
As the saying goes, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
This is true, as much as it can pain some people to admit it.
If you start your day with a nourishing breakfast, your brain has the energy to get you through different tasks effectively. It’s good fuel!
Skipping breakfast can hinder your ability to focus, and you might struggle with your energy levels. It can even cause a weight increase if you’re not careful.
Here are some tips to consider:
- Prioritize protein intake, fiber, and healthy fats;
- Try to have more salty breakfasts than sweet to avoid sugar spikes;
- Don’t overeat, but don’t skip breakfast, either.
Successful people don’t underestimate the power of a good breakfast.
They take the time to fuel their bodies, and they enjoy the routine, knowing that their day will improve significantly by having a balanced meal in the morning.
4) They think of other people
Successful people aren’t selfish, contrary to popular belief. They actively think about others and serve them to the best of their capacity. They know life isn’t only about self-growth.
We humans aren’t made to do everything alone.
For example, Lebron James has a foundation that helps young people at risk. He, among other celebrities, understands that giving meaning and purpose to our lives is what makes it all better and more enjoyable.
5) They drink water religiously
Water can also be overlooked in our quest for success.
It doesn’t sound important but believe me, it can (and it will) make a huge difference in how you feel, and I’ve noticed it in my morning routine.
Hydration is essential for our health!
Water helps us remove waste from our bodies, regulates our body temperature, and lubricates our joints.
And I’m not even talking about the health of our skin and hair, which can visibly improve when we drink enough water.
A few glasses of water in the morning can also reduce our calorie intake throughout the day, improving our mental performance and jump-.starting our metabolism.
This is a habit that sets successful people apart.
6) They limit their screen time
This is tough; I’ll be the first to admit it.
The moment I open my eyes, I want to reach for my phone, check my social media, and go through my emails.
In turn, this gives me information overload, and it can also deteriorate my focus over time.
Here’s the lesson that took me a long time to learn: technology, especially social media, can be stressful. So, if I can do more meaningful things in my earlier hours instead of going for easy digital distractions–that’s a better choice for me.
Things such as:
- Planning my day;
- Exercising;
- Spending time with my family;
- Playing with my pets–all of it gives me a sense of a good start and the right mindset for the day.
Learn to give yourself space and time to start your days in the right way. My life has improved a great deal once I prioritized these precious morning hours.
7) They establish a solid routine
Successful people have a set morning routine, and they try to keep it as much as possible. Of course, they don’t lose their flexibility.
Nourishing our bodies with good food and moving it play a critical role in our health, and this is what we can do as soon as we start the day. How we set the tone for the day will determine how the day will end almost every time.
Personally, I prioritize sleeping, waking up slowly, engaging in meaningful activities, and having other fun habits. My day is busy, but those precious morning moments are sacred for me.
I also spend quality time with my family whenever I can.
8) They don’t forget about self-care
Taking care of ourselves shouldn’t be a luxury; it is necessary if we want to perform at our best.
If I feel good, my day will be much better than if I start in a foul mood.
Successful people often include meaningful activities in the morning, as I’ve stated before. This isn’t a privilege but rather a different way to manage their time.
Self-care isn’t laziness, and it’s not all roses and pampering: it involves doing our laundry and keeping our spaces clean. It’s not fun if you don’t enjoy that sort of thing, but it’s necessary.
You’re setting yourself up for success if you make self-care a priority.
9) They don’t constantly check their emails
The temptation to check my emails every morning is strong; I won’t lie. However, top business leaders don’t check their emails until their morning routine is done.
They don’t even look at their phones if they’re doing something else work-related. Let’s be honest: people would call or contact us immediately if there was a real emergency.
Instead of checking your emails, prioritize your tasks and get them done. Then, you can go to your inbox and see what’s happening.
10) They practice mindfulness
Mindfulness has done more for my anxiety than any other kind of therapy. Successful people have also talked extensively about its benefits and how much it contributes to their happiness.
Every morning, before the chaos of the day sucks you in, take a few moments to sit quietly and focus on your breath. This helps you clear your mind and set a calm tone for the day ahead.
It might seem insignificant, but those ten minutes, or whatever amount of time you have, can be life-changing. You’re reconnecting with yourself and getting a fresh perspective on what your morning can look like.
You can also take these moments to do some breathwork and a guided meditation.
Final thoughts: Remember to stay flexible
If you want a successful morning routine, focus on yourself. There is no magical formula to develop one.
What works for Oprah might not work for you.
For example, I like to exercise in the evenings and not in the mornings.
I find swimming to be a more meditative experience than guided meditation, for example.
It’s not about copying habits from everyone; it’s about discovering what things serve you and what things don’t.
It’s trial and error, so be prepared to learn through it. It’s okay to skip a few of these and to be surprised by the things that work for you.
Also, remember that the goal isn’t to just incorporate all these habits simultaneously. Start small, stay consistent, and you will find the time to add more habits.
Don’t despair! We’ve all been there.
Try out everything, from exercising to waking up early to a protein-filled breakfast. The world is your oyster!