If you possess these 8 qualities, you’re a lovely person to be around
Have you ever thought about what makes some people really great company?
They’re not necessarily the best looking or the most successful. What they do possess, however, is a set of qualities that make them a joy to be around.
I’ve boiled down these qualities into 8 main traits that seem to distinguish the genuinely lovely people from the rest.
Let’s explore these 8 qualities together…
1. Kindness
Here’s the first quality – kindness.
It sounds pretty simple, right? But you’d be surprised at how big an impact this one trait can have on how lovely you are to be around.
Kindness isn’t about grand gestures or being a doormat for others. It’s about how you treat people in your everyday life. It’s about saying thank you to the barista who makes your coffee. It’s about helping an elderly neighbor with their shopping. It’s about listening when a friend needs to talk.
When you’re kind, people feel valued and respected around you. They feel safe and comfortable. They know that they can trust you to be there for them.
And that makes you a really lovely person to be around.
2. Positivity
The second quality that lovely people possess is positivity.
Now, let me share a little story about my friend, let’s call her Lisa. Lisa is one of those people who light up a room just by walking in. It doesn’t matter if it’s Monday morning or Friday evening – she’s always got a smile on her face and a kind word to say.
What’s Lisa’s secret? Positivity.
She chooses to see the good in every situation, even when things get tough. When it’s raining, she’s the one who’ll say, “At least the plants are getting watered!” When she’s stuck in traffic, she’s the one who’ll say, “I have more time to listen to my favorite podcast!”
Positivity isn’t about ignoring the bad stuff. It’s about focusing on the good stuff. It’s about finding the silver lining whenever you can.
3. Honesty
The third quality is honesty.
Straight up, it’s about being truthful and real with others. Lovely people aren’t afraid to be their authentic selves, and they don’t play games or pretend to be something they’re not.
Honesty also means being clear with your feelings and thoughts. If you’re upset, say it. If you’re happy, show it. It’s okay to be open about how you feel.
Honest people are easy to trust and they make others feel secure. So, if you want to be a lovely person to be around, just be honest. It’s as simple as that.
4. Knowing when to be quiet
Now, this one might surprise you a bit – knowing when to be quiet. Isn’t being lovely about being social and engaging?
Well, yes, but it’s also about understanding when not to speak.
We live in a world that often values the loudest voices, but there’s also power in silence. Lovely people understand this. They know when to step back and let others shine. They know when to listen rather than speak. They recognize that silence can sometimes say more than any words could.
Knowing when to be quiet isn’t about being shy or reserved. It’s about being thoughtful and understanding. It’s about recognizing that everyone has a voice and that everyone’s voice deserves to be heard.
So, if you want to be more lovely to be around, try embracing the power of silence. Listen more, speak less, and see how people react.
You might be surprised at how much more connected you feel.
5. Empathy
Let’s talk about the fifth quality – empathy.
I remember when I was going through a tough time, feeling all kinds of lost and confused. My friend, let’s call him Ben, was there for me. He didn’t try to fix things or give advice. He just listened and tried to understand what I was going through. He put himself in my shoes. That’s empathy.
Empathy is about understanding and sharing the feelings of others. It’s about letting someone know, “Hey, I get it. You’re not alone.”
When you’re empathetic, you show people that you truly care about them.
Being empathetic can be tough. It means opening up to someone else’s feelings, and that can be scary. But it’s also one of the most rewarding things you can do. It brings people closer together and helps to build strong, meaningful relationships.
6. Respect
Moving onto the sixth quality – respect.
Respect is about treating others the way you would want to be treated. It’s about valuing other people’s opinions, feelings, and experiences, even if they’re different from your own.
When you respect someone, you acknowledge their worth. You show them that they matter to you. And that’s a lovely thing to do.
So, if you want to be a lovely person to be around, make sure to show respect. Value others, listen to them, and treat them well. It’s as simple as that.
7. Accepting Imperfections
The seventh quality might make you pause for a moment – accepting imperfections.
In a world where we’re often pushed to be perfect, lovely people understand that it’s okay to be imperfect. In fact, they embrace it.
Accepting imperfections isn’t about settling for less. It’s about understanding that everyone, including ourselves, has flaws. It’s about seeing these imperfections not as failures, but as unique aspects that make us who we are.
Lovely people aren’t just accepting of their own imperfections, they’re accepting of others’ as well. They don’t judge or criticize; instead, they offer understanding and acceptance.
So, if you want to be a lovely person to be around, learn to accept imperfections – in yourself and in others.
8. Gratitude
Last but not least, the eighth quality is gratitude. Lovely people know how to appreciate the good things in their lives, big and small.
Being grateful doesn’t mean ignoring the bad stuff. It means choosing to focus on the good. It’s about saying “thank you” for the sunshine, the morning coffee, the friend who made you laugh.
When you’re grateful, you radiate positivity. And who wouldn’t want to be around someone like that?
Wrapping up
So, there you have it. Eight qualities that make you a lovely person to be around.
How many do you have?
Remember, nobody’s perfect (least of all me) and we’re all works in progress. So, don’t stress if you don’t tick all the boxes just yet…