9 things a strong woman will never tolerate from other people

by Eliza Hartley | May 1, 2024, 6:52 pm

We all aspire to be strong women. But often, we put up with more than we should.

Ever find yourself putting up with someone or something that just doesn’t sit right?

We’ve all been there.

It’s all too common to let things slide for the sake of peace, despite the negative impact on our self-esteem or wellbeing.

If you’re nodding your head right now, you’re not alone.

I think it’s high time we start setting some boundaries, don’t you?

But hey, I’m not here to preach about what you should tolerate. Everyone’s tolerance level is different, after all.

Instead, I’m going to share a few things a strong woman – the kind we all aspire to be – will never tolerate from others.

Brace yourself. Some of these might hit close to home.

So let’s dive in and see what resonates with you… 

1) Disrespect

The first thing a strong woman will never tolerate is disrespect. I remember a time when I was treated disrespectfully at a social gathering. It felt as if my opinions were being dismissed and my voice, unheard. 

But guess what? I didn’t let it slide. I stood up for myself, calmly expressed my feelings, and made it clear that such behavior was unacceptable. 

Disrespect can come in many shapes and sizes – from belittling comments to outright rudeness. But no matter the form, it’s something a strong woman will never tolerate.

2) Manipulation

Next up, manipulation. We’ve all had those moments when we’ve felt manipulated by someone, haven’t we? 

I remember a past relationship where my partner would often twist situations to suit his narrative, leaving me second-guessing myself. It was mentally exhausting.

But over time, I learned to recognize these manipulative tactics and put a stop to them. 

Manipulation is a toxic trait that can take a huge toll on our mental health. It’s something no strong woman should ever tolerate.

3) Lack of reciprocity

Strong women know the importance of give-and-take in a relationship. It doesn’t matter if it’s a romantic relationship, a friendship, or a professional one; mutual contribution is key. 

Did you know that according to psychologists, one-sided relationships are one of the biggest sources of stress and dissatisfaction? That’s right. 

So, a strong woman will never tolerate a lack of reciprocity. She knows her worth and understands that her time, effort, and affection should be reciprocated.

4) Negativity

Life is too short to be surrounded by negativity, isn’t it? Strong women understand this. They know the toll that constant pessimism and cynicism can take on their spirit. 

So they choose to surround themselves with positivity and optimism instead. They spend their precious time with those who uplift them, inspire them, and bring out the best in them. 

Negativity? It’s simply not on their radar. It’s not about ignoring the hardships of life, but choosing to focus on the positive and finding ways to rise above challenges.

5) Lack of personal growth

I remember a phase in my life when I felt stuck. I was in a job that didn’t challenge me, in a routine that offered no excitement. One day, I realized that I was not growing – personally or professionally. 

That was a wake-up call. I quit my job, pursued my passion, and never looked back. 

A strong woman is always seeking to learn, grow and improve herself. She knows that personal growth is paramount to her happiness and will never tolerate anything that hinders it.

6) Being taken for granted

A strong woman knows her worth and will never allow herself to be taken for granted. Whether it’s in a professional setting or a personal relationship, she values herself too much to be treated as an afterthought. 

For instance, in a friendship where she’s always the one reaching out, planning meet-ups, or offering help without getting much in return, she won’t shy away from addressing the issue. 

After all, strong women know that respect is a two-way street.

7) Loss of independence

She cherishes her independence. It’s what empowers her to make decisions, pursue her dreams, and stand on her own two feet.

An interesting fact is that women who value their independence are more likely to experience personal and professional success. So, surrendering her independence is something a strong woman will never tolerate.

8) Dishonesty

Honesty is the cornerstone of trust and a strong woman will never tolerate dishonesty.

She understands that truthfulness, even when it’s hard, is key to any successful relationship – be it romantic, professional or personal.

Dishonesty is a red flag that she won’t ignore.

9) Settling for less

Finally, a strong woman will never tolerate settling for less than she deserves. I remember when I was offered a job that was not up to my skill level nor my salary expectations. 

Instead of settling for less, I stood my ground and eventually found a job that truly appreciated my capabilities. 

Last thoughts

In conclusion, being a strong woman is about knowing your worth and standing up for yourself. It’s about refusing to accept less than you deserve and setting boundaries that protect your mental and emotional wellbeing. 

So if you see yourself putting up with any of these behaviors, know that it’s okay to say no. 

After all, you’re stronger than you think.

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