11 things genuinely happy people never do
Are you happy? It’s amazing how such a simple question can trigger such a complex response.
Often sending you into a state of deep reflection.
So, how about looking at this from a different angle?
In this article, we’ll focus on all the stuff that truly happy people never do. Who knows, perhaps we’ll unlock the secret of eternal happiness together!
1) Worry about things they can’t change
Imagine the scene – your alarm doesn’t go off, you get stuck in traffic, and you miss your flight.
A frustrating morning! But as you sit in your car staring at the back of a truck, ask yourself this:
Is there anything you can do right now to change the situation?
Genuinely happy people are quick to identify problems beyond their control. They understand that life throws us a curveball every so often – but what’s important is how we deal with it.
As the stoics say – there are things we can control, and things we can’t. Why waste energy on the latter?
2) Compare themselves to others
This is a big one! And becoming a massive issue in today’s social media-obsessed world.
You don’t need to browse Instagram for long to spot John’s shiny new car, or Sarah’s perfect Caribbean holiday. Your thoughts may naturally progress towards wanting a new car for yourself.
But happy people don’t think like this.
They understand that we’re all individuals on different journeys and at different stages in life. And comparing yourself to others can lead to negative emotions like resentment, envy, and jealousy.
3) Overthink EVERYTHING
We’ve all been there, usually right before bedtime. Your thoughts constantly circling around your head.
Did I make a complete idiot out of myself today?
Why haven’t they called me back yet?
Overthinking is associated with anxiety, stress, and even depression. And is certainly something that happy people try to avoid.
Putting a stop to an active mind can be easier said than done.
But there are meditation techniques you can use to slow down your thoughts.
Also, remember the spotlight effect. This psychological phenomenon makes you think you’re being noticed more than you actually are.
So chances are, nobody spotted that mistake you made in your meeting today!
4) Get into toxic relationships
Another common trait of genuinely happy people is that they avoid toxic relationships like the plague!
Whether an intimate relationship, a friendship, or a business associate, toxic relationships make you feel unsupported, rejected, or disrespected.
And that’s not all.
You’ll often feel like you’re giving more than you’re getting back.
Happy people have no problem cutting ties and moving on with their lives. It will feel uncomfortable or even awkward in the short term but is the right decision for your long-term well-being.
5) Rely on material possessions for self-worth
We’re about halfway through here, and really starting to get into it with this one.
Being materialistic and prioritizing your life around possessions, money, and image is viewed by psychologists as a negative trait.
It can lead to selfish behavior and reduce empathy.
If you’re truly happy, you don’t need to validate yourself with shiny objects! They only provide a short-term hit of dopamine and are certainly not the answer to long-term happiness.
Look at Buddhist monks, for example.
They deem any items (including money) inappropriate and unnecessary. Instead, they focus on mindfulness, wisdom, nature, kindness, and compassion.
6) Neglect self-care
Do you feel happier after a much-needed visit to the hair stylist? What about a morning run, followed by a hot bath?
It should come as no surprise that genuinely happy people always make time for self-care.
And for good reason!
Even simple grooming tasks have been proven to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance productivity.
7) Live in the past
Don’t get me wrong – the past is an important place. It’s filled with amazing memories and incredible life experiences that have shaped who you are today.
But that’s where you should draw the line.
Don’t dwell on it, certainly not at the expense of the present moment, or indeed your future ambition.
Incredibly successful people spend most of their time living in the “now”. They understand this is the only time they can really control.
Enjoy the moment, without being rushed or preoccupied.
8) Fear failure
At the end of the day, we’re all just extraordinary intelligent apes.
Bear with me on this one!
We carry around the same survival instincts, emotions, and animal responses that we had thousands of years ago.
Fear being one of them.
This used to be quite a useful instinct. But in today’s society, it can be more of a hindrance.
Fear makes us feel uncomfortable and stops us from taking risks.
But seriously happy people have realized success is defined as experiencing failure after failure without loss of enthusiasm.
So don’t fear failure! It’s a natural stepping stone for you to achieve your goals and can actually result in some incredible learning opportunities.
9) Seek perfection
Not a million miles away from fearing failure is seeking perfection.
And there’s plenty of research showing how obsessing and chasing the perfect dream can lead to anxiety and low self-esteem.
If you’re truly happy, you embrace your imperfections and understand that being perfect is an unrealistic and unachievable goal.
Remember – you can make something perfect, or finish it before you die!
Become at peace with the idea that maybe it wasn’t perfect this time, but at least you took one step closer for next time.
10) Hold grudges
Ever heard of forgive and forget?
I know, it can be challenging at times.
But bear in mind, one thing happy people have in common is that they definitely don’t hold grudges. Instead, they forgive and let go of past grievances.
Harboring negative thoughts only hurts you.
11) Take life too seriously
A beautiful way to end this list is to remember that life is short and not to be taken too seriously.
Genuinely happy people see the funny side of life.
They’re able to drop their ego and laugh at themselves or the situations they’re in. No matter how frustrating or annoying they may be.
They’re acutely aware of how short our time is on this planet, so they make the most of it whenever possible.