10 things high-achievers never do in the morning

by Isabel Cabrera | September 2, 2024, 11:39 am

Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day, and high-achievers understand the significance of starting their day on the right foot.

From CEOs to successful entrepreneurs, they share a common trait of embracing productive morning routines.

They prioritize activities that boost productivity, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

In this article, we will explore ten things that high-achievers never do in the morning, allowing them to maximize their productivity, focus, and success.

1) The importance of morning routines

For high-achievers, the importance of morning routines cannot be overstated. 

They have unlocked the secret to maximizing their potential by dedicating time to self-care and personal development right from the start of each day. 

This habit sets the stage for extraordinary achievements and a fulfilling life.

By structuring their mornings thoughtfully, high-achievers create a solid foundation for success. 

They engage in activities like meditation, journaling, reading, or exercise, knowing that these actions provide the mental and physical boost needed to conquer the challenges that lie ahead. 

This intentional approach primes their minds and bodies for peak performance, allowing them to tackle even the most demanding tasks with clarity and focus.

One crucial aspect of their morning routine is avoiding the allure of the snooze button. 

2) Avoiding snooze marathons

High-achievers steer clear of the snooze button habit. While it may be tempting to indulge in a few extra minutes of sleep, they understand the adverse effects it can have on their natural waking process.

Hitting snooze disrupts their sleep cycles, leading to feelings of grogginess and decreased alertness throughout the day.

Instead, they opt for consistency by setting a regular wake-up time and prioritizing sufficient rest to wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

3) High-achievers skip social media scrolling

Let’s be real and honest here. The pull of social media is undeniably tempting, even for successful individuals.

But you know what sets high-achievers apart? They’ve got the willpower to resist that urge to mindlessly scroll through their feeds first thing in the morning.

Because, let’s face it, social media can be a total time sink and a massive distraction.

These achievers know that giving in to those digital distractions can derail their focus from more meaningful and productive activities.

They’ve got big goals, and they’re not about to let the virtual world get in the way of achieving them.

So, they prioritize mental clarity and keep their eyes on what truly matters by kicking that social media habit to the curb in the morning.

It’s a tough call, but it’s all part of their winning formula for success.

4) Skipping negative news consumption

Studies have shown that consuming negative news first thing in the morning can impact your mood and overall outlook for the rest of the day.

Reading or watching the news can seriously flood your mind with a barrage of negative information, and that’s no joke.

It’s like inviting stress and anxiety to the breakfast table.

But here’s where high-achievers set themselves apart—they’re smart enough to know the power of a positive mindset, especially in the morning.

So, instead of diving into that doom and gloom, they consciously choose to skip the news during their precious morning hours.

They know that starting the day with negativity can mess with their productivity and focus.

Instead, they opt for uplifting and motivational content to kickstart their day on the right foot.

5) Avoiding rushing through breakfast

I have to be honest, I used to rush through, and sometimes even skip breakfast, believing that it would help me maintain a fit body.

However, it turns out that I was mistaken.

A nutritious breakfast is the fuel that powers the body and mind for the day ahead.

Successful individuals never underestimate the importance of this vital meal.

They fully comprehend how a healthy breakfast can kickstart their day, providing them with the necessary energy to remain focused and productive from morning till night.

By savoring a wholesome breakfast, they optimize their cognitive functions and stay on top of their game.

Conversely, skipping breakfast can lead to a lack of energy, reduced concentration, and decreased productivity.

6) High-achievers don’t skip exercise

Exercise plays a vital role in the morning routine of high-achievers.

They understand the significance of prioritizing their physical well-being and make it a point to engage in exercise each morning.

Whether it’s a brisk workout, a calming yoga session, or a refreshing jog, physical activity brings a multitude of benefits to their lives.

Notably, high-achievers recognize that they don’t have to go all-out to burn all their energy.

Instead, they choose exercises that suit their body types and preferences.

They listen to their bodies and select activities that energize them without causing unnecessary strain.

Overall, exercise is not just a physical activity for high-achievers; it’s a powerful tool that contributes to their overall success and well-being.

Embracing a suitable and enjoyable exercise routine in the morning empowers them to start their days on the right foot and make the most out of every opportunity that awaits them.

7) Limiting decision fatigue

High-achievers understand the concept of decision fatigue and aim to minimize it in the morning.

The night before, they already have a plan in place.

They meticulously choose their outfit, get all their essentials ready, and ensure their workspace is neat and organized.

By doing this, they cleverly free up valuable mental space, which proves to be incredibly beneficial in the long run.

When the morning arrives, they’re not burdened with a barrage of small decisions.

Instead, they can devote their mental energy to more pressing matters and important tasks that lie ahead throughout the day.

8) Avoiding multitasking in the morning

I used to be the king of multitasking.

I was so proud of my ability to juggle numerous tasks all at once.

But little did I know, I was falling into a common misconception.

Contrary to what I believed, multitasking didn’t actually lead to increased efficiency.

In fact, it had the opposite effect; it hindered my productivity and scattered my focus.

High-achievers, however, understand the real value lies in focusing on one task at a time.

They’ve learned from experience that trying to do everything simultaneously doesn’t yield the best results.

Instead, they prioritize their most important tasks and tackle them one by one.

As I adopted this approach, I began to witness a transformation in my efficiency and stress levels.

By giving my undivided attention to each activity, I could devote my full capabilities to it, resulting in higher quality outcomes.

I no longer felt overwhelmed by the constant switch between tasks, and my concentration improved significantly.

9) Not ignoring gratitude practices

I once read a famous speech by the Dalai Lama that I have followed every day until now.

“Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.

“I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.”

– Dalai Lama XIV

Inspired by his words, I have incorporated this practice into my daily routine.

Gratitude serves as a reminder of the blessings and opportunities that surround us.

It shifts our focus from what may be lacking to the abundance already present in our lives.

This shift in perspective allows high-achievers to approach their goals with a sense of fulfillment and contentment, rather than a constant desire for more.

10) High-achievers avoid procrastination

The last but most important obstacle high-achievers conquer is procrastination, the notorious enemy of productivity.

They understand that delaying tasks can derail progress and stand in the way of success.

To combat this, they adopt a powerful strategy: tackling their most challenging tasks head-on, right from the start of their day.

By taking on their most significant responsibilities early on, they make substantial strides towards their goals.

This proactive approach sets the tone for the rest of their day, providing momentum and motivation to accomplish even more.


Morning rituals play a pivotal role in the lives of high-achievers, enabling them to optimize their productivity and achieve remarkable success.

By avoiding certain habits and embracing positive practices, they set themselves up for a focused, energized, and fruitful day ahead.

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