9 things highly successful people will never do after 5pm

by Ethan Sterling | September 4, 2024, 10:51 pm

There’s a stark contrast between highly successful people and the rest of us, and it often comes down to what they don’t do after 5pm.

You see, high achievers think differently. They don’t let their evenings drift away aimlessly. Instead, they have specific habits and activities that they consciously avoid to set themselves up for the next day’s success.

In this article, we’re going to peek into the lives of these successful individuals and reveal nine things they will never do after 5pm. And who knows? By the end, you might find a few habits you’d like to kick yourself.

1) Highly successful people never waste their time

Time is an invaluable resource for everyone, but highly successful people treat it with the utmost respect.

Post 5pm, while most of us might be tempted to slouch on the couch and binge-watch our favorite series, successful individuals prefer to make the most of their time instead.

They consciously avoid mindless activities that eat up their hours without adding any value to their life. Instead, they opt for productive actions like reading, planning for the next day, spending quality time with family, or simply pursuing a hobby.

Bottom line? Success isn’t about being a workaholic and burning the midnight oil. It’s about choosing meaningful over meaningless. And that’s what separates the highly successful from the rest.

2) They never neglect self-care

I’ve always admired how highly successful people manage to keep their well-being a priority, even when they have a million things on their plate.

One evening, I was having dinner with a friend who happens to be a successful entrepreneur. It was nearing 8pm, and I noticed he kept glancing at his watch. Curious, I asked if he was in a hurry.

His response struck me. He said, “No, not at all. I just make sure I never miss my daily workout at 8:30pm. It’s non-negotiable.”

That’s when it hit me. Success isn’t just about work and money; it’s also about maintaining your health and well-being. After all, what good is success if you’re too burnt out to enjoy it?

Since then, I’ve made self-care a non-negotiable part of my routine too. And let me tell you, it has made a world of difference.

3) They never stay disconnected from their loved ones

After a long, busy day, it can be tempting to retreat into solitude. But highly successful people understand the importance of staying connected with their loved ones.

President Joe Biden, even during the height of his presidency, made sure to have dinner with his family every night at 6:45pm. Although one of the busiest people on the planet, he still prioritised spending quality time with his family.

This is a common thread among successful individuals – they know that maintaining strong relationships is crucial for a balanced and fulfilling life. 

4) They never skip planning for the next day

One common characteristic of highly successful people is their obsession with planning. They know that a well-structured plan is the key to a productive day.

After 5pm, instead of pushing work out of their minds completely, they spend some time preparing for the next day. This could be making a to-do list, setting goals, or simply reviewing their schedule.

By doing this, they ensure that they hit the ground running the next morning, rather than wasting time trying to figure out what needs to be done. Their evenings are not just about relaxation, but also about setting themselves up for future success.

5) They never compromise on their sleep

Sleep isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must. And the folks who’ve reached the top get this better than anyone.

Once the clock hits 5pm, they shift gears, prepping for a solid night’s sleep. No caffeine, no heavy dinners, and definitely no screen time close to bedtime – they’re all about snagging those uninterrupted Z’s.

They know that quality shut-eye is key for keeping their brain sharp, their creativity flowing, and their productivity levels high. Thus, even when their to-do list is a mile long, they never skimp on sleep.

They make it a top priority, ensuring they’re fully charged and ready to tackle whatever comes their way the next day.

6) They never ignore the importance of quiet reflection

After the hustle and bustle of the day, highly successful people never underestimate the power of quiet reflection.

Some call it meditation, some call it mindfulness, but at its core, it’s taking a moment to be still, to breathe, and to reconnect with oneself.

In the stillness of the evening, they review their day, contemplating their successes and learning from their missteps. This time of introspection helps them stay grounded, maintain clarity and fosters personal growth.

When everything around them is in constant motion, they understand the value of standing still. It’s in these quiet moments that they often find their greatest insights and inspiration.

7) They never neglect their passions

The road to success can often be all-consuming, leaving little room for anything else. But I’ve learned that highly successful people never let their work overshadow their passions.

A few years back, I found myself buried under work commitments. My love for painting, which had always been my creative outlet, took a backseat. But then I read about a renowned CEO who was also an accomplished musician. Despite his hectic schedule, he dedicated time every evening to play his guitar.

This was a wake-up call for me. I realized that to be truly successful and happy, I needed to make time for what I love. So, I picked up my paintbrushes again.

Here’s the thing: Highly successful people understand the importance of nurturing their passions. It’s what fuels their creativity, keeps them motivated and adds joy to their lives.  

8) They never ignore ongoing learning

High achievers are perpetually thirsty for knowledge. They’re on a never-ending quest for growth and development.

After 5pm rolls around, you’ll often find them diving into new topics or honing their existing skills. Whether it’s devouring a book, enrolling in an online course, or tuning into a thought-provoking podcast, they’re all about expanding their horizons.

They grasp that the world is in a constant state of flux, and to remain ahead of the curve, they must adapt. That’s why they weave learning seamlessly into their daily routine, ensuring they’re always refining themselves and maintaining their competitive edge.

9) They never forget to celebrate their accomplishments

Success isn’t solely about reaching the finish line; it’s about savoring every step of the journey. Those who’ve reached the pinnacle of success grasp this concept and make a point to revel in their victories.

Whether it’s a minor triumph or a significant milestone, they pause to recognize their progress and indulge in a moment of celebration. It could be as simple as a heartfelt reflection on their accomplishments or a tangible reward to mark the occasion.

They understand that celebrating achievements not only uplifts their spirits but also fuels their drive to keep pushing forward. After all, the path to success isn’t just about reaching the end goal; it’s about relishing every twist and turn along the way.

Final thoughts: Success isn’t built in a day

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the age-old adage, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. This rings especially true when it comes to success. The journey to the top is an accumulation of daily habits, decisions, and actions.

The nine things we discussed that highly successful people never do after 5pm aren’t just random choices. They are strategic decisions that contribute to their overall success and well-being.

From not wasting time to prioritizing self-care, from staying connected with loved ones to planning for the next day – each activity is a brick in the foundation of their success.

Remember, success isn’t just about what you do during your work hours. It’s about how you manage your time after work, how you nurture your relationships, how you take care of your health, and how you keep growing as an individual.

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