6 things successful people do to get ahead in their careers that have nothing to do with actual work

by Tina Fey | September 1, 2024, 12:46 am

I used to be pretty caught up in the belief that success hinged on late nights in the office and belonging to some kind of secret, exclusive club.

It took many years, and conversations with very successful mentors, to finally crack the code.

It turns out that being a boss lady goes well beyond the professional sphere.

It’s about crafting a life beyond work and properly striking a balance between ambition, longevity, and wellbeing.

Here are some of the most interesting things successful people do to get ahead in work (that funnily enough have nothing to do with work!). 

Starting with: healthy body, healthy mind.

1) They know how to look after themselves physically

Do you know what allows the hyper-successful people in the world to effectively juggle work and life

The answer might surprise you.

Okay, sure, many of the elite have a roster of cleaners, nannies, and housekeepers that allow them to balance all their personal stuff, but it goes beyond this—which is good news for us who probably do not have the cash to splash.

It’s a little thing called self-care, particularly in the realm of physical care.

People who are thriving in their careers care about nutrition and healthy eating. Maintaining a balanced, well-rounded diet is crucial.

Plus they know all about the importance of exercise. This goes beyond the soul-sucking gym routine, but activities you actually enjoy and play into your strengths.

It’s important to customize your workouts to fit your preferences and schedules, turning exercise into a celebration of what your body can really do, rather than it being a chore.

The winners of the working world know that a well-fed, active body is the best guard against burnout. 

It allows them to build up their resilience for anything that life shoves at them, work or other.

2) They create a strong support network around them

Look close and you will notice that the big hitters often are not doing it alone!

That’s right, they have more than a few special people in their corner, cheering ‘em on.

People who are thriving in business know that creating and lovingly nurturing a solid support network, with family and friends, is a bit of a secret weapon.

Don’t get me wrong, this is not networking for professional gain—it’s about building genuine, healthy relationships for the long haul. 

After all, you can’t just be working for decades to pick up a tidy paycheck.

Nope, it’s got to be for all of those people who believe in you—whether it’s your doting dad or your two-year-old kid.

Warren Buffett, the investor known as the “Oracle of Omaha”, believes that the single biggest career decision you will ever make actually has nothing to do with work.

“The most important decision you’ll ever make has nothing to do with your money or career, it is who you marry,” he said.

This is more than a grand romantic decision. So sorry to all the lovebirds out there, but it’s all about strategy.

Your choice of a life partner is a pretty major investment, if you think about it. 

It is an investment in your emotional wellbeing, your support system, and your overall happiness. 

And just like it is with any financial investment, the returns can be significant if you make a smart choice.

3) They know how to communicate and articulate their ideas clearly and expressively

Now I’ve got a very underrated one for you: the big C word.

It’s not calendars. It’s not cash. It’s not even cookies. It’s communication, baby.

That’s what it sometimes boils down to! For real, it could be the difference between you being in the slow lane or in the fast lane when it comes to winning at life.

Here’s why being able to articulate your opinions and ideas really, really matters. 

Being able to master everyday chit chat on a human level matters in the boardroom and beyond.

Oh, and it’s not just a verbal thing, either! Being a skilled writer helps, too.

Okay, I might be biased as a writer myself, but this skill can get you places—from nailing a killer cold pitch email to reaching out for advice to someone who you greatly admire.

And remember, you don’t need to be the next Sally Rooney or Maggie O’Farrell. If you want to improve your writing skills, get to reading!

Whether it’s literary magazines like Granta, or maybe even insightful historic longform articles at Long Reads, every scrap of writing helps you improve (plus it’s super fun. Also, biased!).

Remember, when it comes to all things comms, you’ve got to be persuasive, creative, and original—without waffling on too much (okay, I am 100% guilty). 

4) They actively develop an appreciation for the culture and diversity of life

Winners tend to be ace at authentically embracing culture and diversity. 

Having the ability to understand other peoples’ diverse perspectives can be the thing that sets you apart.

This might mean traveling, exploring, attending cultural community events, and engaging with people from all walks of life.

Also, most people are able to travel, but don’t just make it about Insta-worthy photos and passport stamps—make it about absorbing unique flavors, traditions, and real stories.

The truly open-minded people dive deep, appreciating differences and weaving those experiences into their lives.

5) They are willing to invest in their hobbies

Successful folks are great at nailing the whole “well-rounded” thing. And this means investing in hobbies

I don’t mean with money (though that can certainly help if your hobby is space travel or skiing, perhaps), I mean with time.

You might simply be a web design wiz who paints for fun, or a lawyer who does improv—sky’s the limit!

Tapping into your skills outside of work is a great way to diversify yourself as a person. 

Plus, hobbies facilitate a whole lot of brain cross-training. 

They boost critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. And of course, these are matters employers tend to drool over.

This is super important in a competitive, modern workplace—when an employer takes you on they are taking more than just you as an employee, but as a fully-fledged human being (intense stuff, right?).

I like to see it like this: hobbies are basically assets in a portfolio. They are a surefire value add.

Doesn’t matter if they are niche either. In fact, the more specialty, the better!

6) They know how to be genuinely interested in life 

Leveling up in your career isn’t just about the hustle. 

Trust me, it would get extremely boring, not to mention genuinely exhausting, if it were!

It’s about being super curious about life beyond the title.

Thriving in your career demands creative thinking and adaptability, in other words, being ultra curious about the world.

This rare level of enthusiasm spills all the way over into your work life, making you a real delight to work with!

Passionate individuals are a magnet to success because the way they approach tasks often comes with infectious zest and energy.

So, whether you’re perfecting cross stitch or fermenting lime kombucha, go forth and be genuinely curious about life around you.

One day, your career will thank you—trust me!

Final thoughts

Winning at your career doesn’t involve just one single strategy, rather it involves a balanced approach.

Successful professionals maintain a healthy, nourishing diet and enjoy regular workouts to stay physically and mentally sharp.

Building a support network is probably the most important thing that will set you on your way. 

After all, winners don’t climb the ladder alone—they build one together, elevating everyone around them. 

Plus they’re often not confined to the office, rather, they immerse themselves in travel and culture, broadening their perspectives in the process.

All in all, these holistic approaches make high-fliers stand out. Remember, let’s not just work, let’s thrive.

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